Best School Management System Bangalore| School ERP Software | Custom Software Development in Bangalore

School Management Software

School ERP Software

A Smart ERP suite for the education sector.

Mobile, Tablet & Web friendly ERP Services.

ERP is about much more than Software. Limra Softech has come up with India’s most appreciated school management software integrated with mobile apps for students, parents, teachers and management. This ERP Software in Bangalore is one of the best school software out on the market.

It ensures smooth functioning of the day-to-day school operations. Our application can be customization around services provided, value-added information and support for data, security, storage and implementation. We improve the way information is collected, collated, analyzed and shared.

The Educational Institutes using our School ERP Software will also save time and costs associated with elements such as the paper trail of applications, registrations, examinations and paper-based course assessments. By using latest technologies like Smart Card, Bio-metrics, Bar Code and SMS make your school a Tech-Savvy and Cool establishment for your students. After using Limra Softech School Software, School-Parent communication will improve tremendously, and a lot of systems will be efficient and more streamlined

The Limra ERP System is designed to improve the way a school is managed through comprehensive functionality. It is an interactive platform for all users such as Students, Teachers, Management, and Parents.

Limra School management provide the facility to manage information real time. It helps to creating time table, and managing information of the student, teacher, and other staff. This provides facility to make communication with the parents, students, teacher real time. Account management facility etc.

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